Ammonia & Nitrites Up


New Member
I have a 55 gallon tank that completed cycling a few weeks ago (used raw shrimp for cycling). It has about a 1" sandbed which was seeded from my reef tank along with a few pieces of lace rock (no live rock). I'm using an Aquaclear 70 for filtration. All parameters were at 0 for about a week.
Last week I added a dwarf lion and now my ammonia and nitrites are up. Did a water change 2 days ago and yesterday ammonia was still .25, nitrites .25, and nitrates about 10-20. The lion is eating frozen and no food is left in the tank. Is this just my tank adjusting to the output of the lion? He's the only fish in the tank, along with one large hermit crab.
So, just keep doing water changes every few days or use an additive like AmQuel?


That is from the increased bioload from the lion. There is not enough bacteria in the tank to deal with it. Keep up on the water changes. Adding a piece of LR would help out.