Ammonia Problem.


New Member
I have a 48 galloon, FO, tank and noticed that the ammonia went sky high the other day. This after taking a reading about a week ago reading nearly 0. I have 2 skimmers going and am wondering if 'maybe' I'm feeding too much. I DO feed every day, but NOT that much. I have 4 clowns, a small Blue Hippo, and a Flame Angel in the tank. THEY ARE ALL DOING GREAT!
But I noticed a clown breathing kind of heavy today and thought I would check the water...and sure enough the ammonia was high. Nitrite and Nitrate 0.
I have a RO/DI system for water and change about 20-25% every 2 weeks. AM I FEEDING TO MUCH PERHAPS?
PH reads about 8.5. Is this too high? And if it is, how do I bring it down?
Thanks for any suggestions.


Active Member
how long has your tank been set up? did you add any of those fish recently? i hate to tell you that hippo tang is going to get way too big for a 48 gal tank. it's possible you could be feeding too much. do you notice any un eaten food in the tank after you feed? do a good water change to get the ammonia down and just keep a close eye on your ammonia, nitrite and nitrate


New Member
I changed about 40% of the water and everthing is reading fine now. The tang is doing great and the ammonia is down to pratically 0....a big difference from what it was before I did the water change.
This was a drastic amount of water that I changed, but everything turned out great. I believe I was feeding too much.
Is there anything wrong with changing 'about' 25% of the water EVERY 2 weeks? (thats about 10 gallons out of 48 gallons..with the sand and coral I would think there's about 40 gallons of water in the tank). I use DI water...which should be excellent!
Yea...the Blue Hippo IS going to get bigger. I just hope he keeps on doing great for a long time to come..He seems to be happy and eating fine.