Ammonia Spik--Help!!!


New Member
I have a 5 gallon that has been going for a year. I tested the ammonia the other day and it was.25. I did a water change. then today my yellow tail damsel was not looking good. that is the only fish I have in the tank. I tested an the ammonia was off the charts. two of my turbo snails died also. I did another water change and it is still off the charts. I put in some ammonia block 2. It didn't change things. Should I still fool around with this tankor fill a 20 gallon that i have to get this fish out of the ammonia.? Help


i am sorry to hear about your problem. it is hard to say what could have gone wrong. overfeeding, somthing died. Turbo snails seem a little big to be in a 5 gallon. (imo) what are your specs. filtration, perams, bioload ect....


Water changes and running carbon should help. Did you remove the dead snails? If not then you need to do that NOW!


New Member
I ended up taking out everything and taking the CC out, replaced it with sand. Things are much better now. I still show a .5 of ammonia but that is at least better than 8.0 and off the charts. The damsel looks much better. I will check the ammonia tomorrow and then do another replacement if necessary.
Thanks for your inputs