ammonia spike help


I think, with the help of my friends that set up the tank, i have had a ammonia spike, tank was first established 9/10 and i guess i got to impatient and added stock way to soon. I have lost all my live stock to include, kola tang, yellow tank, two clowns and 2 damsels. Still have scooter blenny, shrimp and snails and crabs. How do I lower the ammonia? Is it done only with a water change? doing 5% water change every week. my readings today are ph 8.2, nitrate 10, nitrite 0, ammonia 0.2 salinity 1.021. Everything seems good accept the ammonia, how do i lower? 40 gal tank with lr and lr :help:


Staff member
Ammonia is a natural part of the cycle of a tank. Do water changes. Add ammo-lock.