ammonia spike

ole o

New Member
Please help! I added 15 lbs of Fiji rock to my existing 3 month old 65 gallon tank. I had about 40 -50 lbs already. The water clouded up and my fish started to die. I checked the ammonia and it is out of control. How do I lower my ammonia??
Thanks for any help.


The ammonia level should go away on it's own. You introduced a bunch of dead stuff to the tank that is decaying.
Good luck!


use ammo lock or Prime. It will make the amonia non toxic to the fish.
It will not remove it. Your tests will still show it, but your fish will survive. I used Prime, and my guys are all alive today.
Good luck


I'd remove the new LR and let it cure in a bucket of saltwater with a heater and powerhead. New LR shouldn't be added directly to an established tank. Did your LFS say it would be ok?