ammonia spike


This is a new thread to the one fish dying. Can I add bacteria into the tank to help get rid of the ammonia?


check your lfs they sell little bottles of things (sorry forgot what they called it) that will help your tank cycle. I used it when i first started and four days later tank was running smooth


Active Member
The dead scallops being removed may help you out with your ammonia problem, it sounds like they were in the process of decaying. I didn't catch it in the other thread, but I'm assuming this is a mini cycle, I would just wait it out. If you don't want to do that, I would recommend a 25% water change, running some activated carbon, and don't feed the tank for a day or two.
If you have a protein skimmer, run it a little wet for a week or so.


Active Member
You should just let the tank finish doing its will build the foundation for a strong bio filter...


The thing to help your tank cycle is called "Cycle" i am currently using it on my new 75 gal. They sell it at petsmart and ***** (found it on there web site).


Well-Known Member

Originally posted by MLT
This is a new thread to the one fish dying. Can I add bacteria into the tank to help get rid of the ammonia?

Yes you can. I do not recommend it. I recommend you do nothing and let the ammonia will come down as bacteria is built up. you could add sand from an existing tank and that would help.
Finally, adding plant life will help everything.