

New Member
Help! my tank has been up and running great for 3-4 months,but for 3 days the ammonia is very high.I have put ammovec in the tank.(thats what the LFS said to do) it has not helped. I havent lost any fish yet but I have Lost some of my snails,and one carpet anemone can some one please
give me some advice on what to do before I loose everything. I have not feed the fish for 2 weeks
thank you
I have a 46 gal tank
46# of Marshall Island LR
13 snails
22 hermet crabs
1 percula clown
1 sadle back clown
1 powder blue tang
1 open brain
several anemomes


I think your main problem now is that your carpet died. I had one die, and it wiped out my whole system. I pulled it out before it was completely dead, but it had already done the damage to my tank :( . Ammonia was out out of control. Get the rest of your livestock out NOW. Do a huge water change and let the tank cycle. I hope it's not too late. I have no idea what the initial cause of your problem is. Maybe someone else in the forum could help you figure out what it is, so you can fix it and prevent it from happening again.


Water change is ur only solution. Since u cannot get the anemone out - as they liquify - use a gravel filter to pull out as much as possible from further decay. I would recommend a 25% water change every day for the next 3-4 days.
Something to consider - i understand that anemone's generally have a short life span - 2yrs or so (what i've been told from multiple sources). If you plan on mostly a FISH tank - no problem, but the MORE money you invest into corals - he could put them ALL at risk as he's a bit tempermental.
ALSO... this goes w/o saying.. the smaller the tank - the quicker and more radical the impact will be.
Best of luck to ya - water change - water change - water change :)