Amount of salt


New Member
How many cups of salt needs to be added to a new 30 gallon tank. I have everything else I need but don't know how much salt to add. Thanx.


Active Member
1/2 cup per gallon, so measure exactly how many gallons of water you put in your tank and add the salt accordingly and test the salinity to make sure it is between 1.021-1.025


More to the point you will need a hydrometer or refractometer before you add any saltwater to your tank. These are means with which to measure the content of your saltwater. doesn't matter how many cups, but that you have the right solution when you are done.
1.021 to 1.025 is the range of SG.
Since it is wise to let your saltwater mix for 24 to 48 hours you will have time to measure your salt in cups before you are done mixing so you will have to just flavor to taste so to speak, until you hit the right target range of SG.


Active Member
In addition to Thomas (the great wisdom barrel he is)...each salt mix is we have recently found, each batch within the same brand is different...i may use more to mix to a given sg then someone using a different salt.


Hey Thomas how did you ever make out with the bad batch of IO? Did they ever reply back? How did the rest of your tank fair? Was curious cause I know you had some real problems a while ago. Hope everything worked out okay.....


Still have not heard from IO yet. Looked at some of my pics from that horrible water change the other day. Corals look much better. The candy cane coral frags seem like they are starting to rebound, I was really worried about them. Still having an issue with the varius algeas that seem to be attacking me. Then I remembered that I was using vinigar in my Kalk and will stop the vinegar for a while as it will feed these algeas.
I am giving Instant Ocean a reasonable time to contact me before I contact them. If I am not satisfied with there response I have considered sending salt samples to Randy and Habib ( some of you know who they are) perhaps I coud use their reports on the salt for some leverage.


Sorry to hear you are still having problems with IO"s company. Glad the tank is rebounding somewhat. If anybody can turn thier tank around after a disaster it would be you. Good luck.