An idea for shipping Xenia.


Active Member
Theres been a lot of talking about shipping Xenia and it not working out so well. No one knows why, maybe the lack of light? I dont think its because of the nitrates because xenia thrives on nitrates. I got to thinking about the lack of lighting while shipping and I came up with an idea. Remember back in the 70s when we went to concerts? there were those little tubes that had flourescent light in them? You would bend them in half to break the glass tube inside to mix the chemicals and it would shine for hours. I saw some a few years ago but dont remember where, does anyone know where to get them? That could be something to try during shipping of Xenia. Any thoughts or ideas?


Active Member
I believe you can find them in many department stores or sports stores in the camping section. They're still commonly around today.
I don't think that would be nearly enough light, but heck, it's worth a shot.


my guess as to why xenia ships so poorly is because it is tossed and tumbled in transit. even though they like good water flow, I notice that I can easily kill or damage xenia in my tank when pouring make-up water into it. just my observations.


Active Member
Originally Posted by corky
my guess as to why xenia ships so poorly is because it is tossed and tumbled in transit. even though they like good water flow, I notice that I can easily kill or damage xenia in my tank when pouring make-up water into it. just my observations.
Corky , good observation and good point!!!I dont think it is a lighting issue either and I dont think ,if it were a lighting issue ,that a glow stick would do the trick but it is an innovative idea.If xenia were not gonna make it in the dark ,they would die at night in our tanks.My tank could be dark for 12-14 sometimes at night.My Xenia are O.K.I think they are just very fragile


Active Member
I received a few months ago a Xenia frag and the guy shipped it in a gatorade bottle placed in a small USPS box and he covered the bottle with some isolation foam. I guess like that the Xenia is not tossed around.


Active Member
To ship xenia, rubber band the rock to a piece of styrofoam so the xenia would basically be suspended upside down in the bag. This way the xenia doesn't hit the sides of the bag and stays fully submersed.


Active Member
Xenia does not ship well because it continuously produces a mucus coat and produces it at a much faster rate when stressed. It dies in transportation because it secretes so much mucus it suffocates itself.


I was reading some where else...That they put the Xenia in very wet paper towels w/very little water. And of course in something to protect them from getting smushed then shipped. It worked for them? I've never tried it.
Xenia is really tricky it is hit or miss. I have worked wholesale and retail wish fish and the best way to ship is with very little water wraqpped in paper towel or as wholesalers get it shipped in very wet Newspaper, again remember there is no gaurantee on this they are very picky. It is clearly a 50/50 chance or maybe a little better most times it will make it just take your time with the acclimation and it should do fine. most people tend to rush and this is thier demise. I have been doing this for about 30 years all will be well just take your time. :hilarious