An interesting new pet trend



Hmm.. Have to admit, one could probally get attached to them! :D


Oh... I really really hope that isn't a chain wrapped around the one like a muzzle.


Active Member
where in the heck is that? Look at the baboons. Their teeth alone could tear you apart, not to mention the pure strength of them.
Whats their attraction with the wild animals?



Originally posted by lovethesea
where in the heck is that?

Its from Nigeria, and I don't know which I'd be more nervous to be walking next too!


Active Member
ive had that pic as my background for a month now...its pretty crazy stuff....i bet those things would tear a pit in half!


Active Member
I would love to know why they do it. And notice the guy with the stick in his hand. I wonder how many times there have been "accidents" with these animals on innocent bystanders. :nope:


When I was in High School, I had a "friend" who's family was just a little south of strange. They had a baboon they kept in a cage in their back yard, near their pool. You couldn't go near the thing.
One day, I get a call from the "friend" to come see their newest pet. Turns out they had adopted a hyena from someone in Africa. It's name was Jeep, since that is supposedly close to the African way to say hyena. Anyway, they actually had a dog trainer come out (I was there the first watch) to try to train Jeep. Things didn't go that well.
Also, Jeep just loved to nibble at your ankles. Considering those jaws can crush bone, it was a little un-nerving, to say the least, to have him biting at my feet!!!!
End result was that, several months after Jeep's acquisition, he supposedly attacked the father, who got ripped up in the attack. Father went back to the barn, where Jeep was kept, and shot him.


Active Member
so the poor animal was killed because he did something that was insitincual. I think the wrong animal was taken to the barn. :mad:


notice how they both have the same red band on there right arm too


I did notice they both had the red arm band thing on and they are both carring sticks. At first glance I did not think it was a chain wrapped around that ones mouth but a basket thing. Then I thought yea a basket thing is really going to hold that back from biting. :D Duh!
It has been one of those days:rolleyes:


I was looking at that picture some more, and what is that thing on top of the head of the one with a chain around its muzzle, and how is it attached to its head:confused: ?


Active Member
looks like a turbin
. just joking but in all seriousness it looks like a hair braide thinger that a girl would wear.