an interesting question for all of you


it may also be a dumb question but I was wondering if an anenome would help a clownfish in ridding ich. just wondering cause my clown doesnt go to the cleaner shrimp or the wrass and as of late has avoided her annenome. let me know


Sorry, I don't think the anemone will do anything to help the ick. Your clown needs to be moved to a hospital tank ASAP(along with any other fish in the tank.) If you do not have a hospital/QT tank I strongly suggest that you invest in one. You would be suprised as to how cheap one of these tanks can be(mine was about $25.) After he's in the tank treat with hyposalinity or copper. Those two treatments are the only way to go IMO. :D
The anemone will not help with ich. The clown hosts the anemone and feeds it. I use garlic as a prevention for ich. Add some garlic juice to the sump once a week when I do my routine maintenance. Also have a cleaner shrimp since I have yellow tangs in my reef tank. Have had no ich at all with the garlic prevention technique. I bought the garlic juice in the spice section of Food Lion.


New Member
there's a great product out there called Greenex. I have had amazing luck with it. It is safe for all ivertebrates if you have a reef. The only downfall is that it temporarily gives your silicone a slight green tint. Try it if you can find it. I only know of one store by me that sells it but it could be a popular item near you.