Anchor worms


New Member
Does anyone have any suggestions for getting rid of anchor worms in a 75g fish/reef tank? We are all growing weary of the freshwater dips and the formalin baths. Please help!


Hello yo.Are you sure they are anchor worms?If indeed they are I would say to catch the fish in a net and use tweezers are pull them off.Try that before you treat.What kind of a fish are we talking about?


New Member
Hi, I'm not 100% sure that they are anchors but they fit that discription. They are thread like appendages that start out small and whisker like but grow rapidly. The two that have been effected the worse are my zebra eel and a tomatoe clown. I have a snowflake moray and a niger trigger that have not shown any signs. The zebra will let me pull the worms off but the formalin bath seems to be more thorough.