anchoring anemones

captn bob

I,m pretty new to this hobby & trying to learn could some one help me out I have a small reef setup with a rock anemonethat has anchored him self to the glassnear the bottom in a corner ,now I just brought home a long tentical white anemone after acclimating him to the tank I placed him on the bottom and he started floating toward& ended up rite on top of the other one I was told to keep anemones apart so they don,t sting& injure each other ,I have moved him back 5 times now but he keeps moving that way again, any ideas or sugg ,would be great thanks. :notsure: :notsure:


how small is your tank?
you should keep them away from each other and if that's not possible (mostly due to it being a small tank) or you don't want to have to keep relocating them, you might want to reconsider having a second anemone, imo.
there's no trick to keeping an anemone in one place. they go where they want.

captn bob

Its a 24 gal. nano tank so its kind of hardto keep them seperate,I thought that once they find a spot they liked they would staythere. the rock anemone went to one spot an has never moved again[I,m gussing that it likes the amount of current go by ]I,m wondering if I were to seperate them by placing a peice of LR or a peice of coralbetween them if that would work what do ya think??

reef diver

Active Member
DONT DO THIS! ITS CRUEL! CHEMICAL WARFARE!!!! Anemones if there are two of a diff species will have chemical warfare, and try to kill eachother. THEY WILL BOTH DIE!. YOU can only do this with 2 anemones of the same species. REMOVE 1


Originally Posted by Reef Diver
DONT DO THIS! ITS CRUEL! CHEMICAL WARFARE!!!! Anemones if there are two of a diff species will have chemical warfare, and try to kill eachother. THEY WILL BOTH DIE!. YOU can only do this with 2 anemones of the same species. REMOVE 1
imo this isnt necessarily true i have seen beautiful anemone tanks with no problems. They will most likely move away from each other to prevent death but in a small tank as yours it is more likely a chemical warefare waiting to happen.My freind had an anenome tank for quit some time and had buttloads of anenomes in it of all different types.


yes, there's a reasonable chance that they will have chemical warfare. but there are many exceptions to this, as the previous person mentioned. no, it's not recommended to have diffferent species in the same tank (especially one so small) but it's not guaranteed that they will fight and especially not guaranteed that one will die.