and so it happens....

well i was running two full blown reefs.. but we blew the circut breaker 2 times so i moved everything to my 210 (that u can see in the pic). so we put it up for sale and we got some bites but i couldnt let it go.... so we decied to make it an aggressive... its a 144 gal half circle


Active Member
The 144 half cirle is a sweet tank, looking forward to watching your progress. Any ideas on a stock list yet?
im bounceing some ideas around in my head.... i know for sure im getting a Longnose Butterfly... im thinking about a dawrf lionfish... and a dogface puffer.. and some type of wrass... but idk. what fish would look cool?? oh and cant forget the flame angel.


Active Member
Butterfly, Snowflake Eel, Dog puffer, flame angel, harlequin tusk, humu trigger, and foxface. I'm probly a bit biased though as thats very close to my own stocklist.


Active Member
Originally Posted by prime311
Butterfly, Snowflake Eel, Dog puffer, flame angel, harlequin tusk, humu trigger, and foxface. I'm probly a bit biased though as thats very close to my own stocklist.
I like the above list, personally I would substitute a purple tang, or huge maroon clown instead of the trigger.

crypt keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by small triggers
umm, okay???no sand? what happened?

most people apply sand after setting rock due to possibly getting and eel. When the eel makes it homes it moves the sand. If the rock is sitting on the sand rock falls. Could injure or kill eel or other fish.

crypt keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by prime311
Butterfly, Snowflake Eel, Dog puffer, flame angel, harlequin tusk, humu trigger, and foxface. I'm probly a bit biased though as thats very close to my own stocklist.
I was at my LFS and a decent sized tusk ripped half the top of the head off a SFE. Id stay away from that combo.


Active Member
Originally Posted by crypt keeper
I was at my LFS and a decent sized tusk ripped half the top of the head off a SFE. Id stay away from that combo.
I'd say thats the exception rather then the rule. Tusks are much more likely to go after Inverts then Fish, but I'm sure its possible.


Active Member
Originally Posted by crypt keeper
most people apply sand after setting rock due to possibly getting and eel. When the eel makes it homes it moves the sand. If the rock is sitting on the sand rock falls. Could injure or kill eel or other fish.

Yes, its very important to put rock down before substrate, especially with fish like eels, wrasse, and blenny's that will likely be digging into the substrate and could cause a rockslide.
well ive had a clown in there for awhile but he will be put in the nano... the first fish will hopefully be on sat! a guy orderd a yellow tail wrasse and if he doesnt pic it up by sat its mine :D lol so i hope he doesnt...


Neat! I have been in that situation before... My luck wasn't so good though... LOL