And then there was one.....


New Member
First time poster.
I thought I would post a couple of pic's I took today of my Peppered Moray
Siderea picta.
I'm posting for a couple of different reasons. One to see if anyone else has a Peppered Moray, I have been to many lfs's and I have never seen any others. He is a great eel, and does very well with other fish. and is very hearty(that's another story)

I have had this tank for 5 years with as many as 11 fish & eel at one time, well I did something very stupid last week, I had the bright idea to add a sponge to the trickle filter, not from a fish story. Well I woke up to a very sick clown trigger,p.puffer, blue tang. I removed the sponge and was doing some water changes, but it was too late for the fish. The only one to live was the eel. Well this fish were kinda like children, and it was a sad day. I have kinda been disinterested in the tank in the last few years, but I think I going to start over. I have bought a chromis to make sure the water is ok. He seems to be doing fine. So I think that this bad event has got me back in the hobby. So I'm going to see how everything goes for a couple of weeks and maybe them order some fish from So if anyone reads this please don't use sponges that are not intended for fish. (And I knew better).


Active Member
Wow, sorry about your fish. The eel is beautiful. What kinda sponge was it you added?????
I use aqua clear power filters on my 90 gallon, never had any problems with the bio sponge that comes for the filter. :notsure:


Originally Posted by charles_20
First time poster.
I thought I would post a couple of pic's I took today of my Peppered Moray
Siderea picta.
I'm posting for a couple of different reasons. One to see if anyone else has a Peppered Moray, I have been to many lfs's and I have never seen any others. He is a great eel, and does very well with other fish. and is very hearty(that's another story)

I have had this tank for 5 years with as many as 11 fish & eel at one time, well I did something very stupid last week, I had the bright idea to add a sponge to the trickle filter, not from a fish story. Well I woke up to a very sick clown trigger,p.puffer, blue tang. I removed the sponge and was doing some water changes, but it was too late for the fish. The only one to live was the eel. Well this fish were kinda like children, and it was a sad day. I have kinda been disinterested in the tank in the last few years, but I think I going to start over. I have bought a chromis to make sure the water is ok. He seems to be doing fine. So I think that this bad event has got me back in the hobby. So I'm going to see how everything goes for a couple of weeks and maybe them order some fish from So if anyone reads this please don't use sponges that are not intended for saltwater fish. (And I knew better).
Nice eel, mine kinda looks like that but I dont know yet cause it is little still and it came in as a assorted moray


Active Member
AAAAAAhhhhhhhhhh. I have done similar mistakes when I got sponges to clean my freshwater with........a lot of sponges come prepided in cleaners. I stopped cleaning when I noticed a lemony smell. It was the sponge!!!!!!! I did a water change and dumped in stress coat. I was lucky, but I had a hand full of sick little fish for a week.
Did the sponge come with a lable? Some will tell you what it's made of and any extra ingredients that might have been added. You can by that foam that is used for the bio filters, but as you have discovered it can have it's draw backs....I've seen the stuff in craft stores. Haven't gotten any yet.
Take care of your beautiful eel. Love to see more pics!


Isn't amazing how attached we are to our creatures??? BTW, you have a beautiful eel..