And yet another Live Rock question


I need to order live rock and I have a question. On the SWF site they sell Fiji rock. I am assuming that is a good type of live rock because I have come to trust what this site sells. In the info they say the Fiji rock is scrubbed down and power sprayed and then sprayed again with salt water. Then when they get it they spray it again. I know nothing about Live rock and was wondering if all the scrubbing and spraying is bad for the rock. Does scrubbing and power spraying wash away the good stuff or is doing that ok for the rock? Is Fiji rock good compared to some of the other types of rock? Plus SWF is about a dollar a pound cheaper than all my lfs's. :yes:


Fiji is alright, but is it kinda dence and heavy. There is other stuff out there that is much more pourous so you will get much larger pieces for the same weight.


Tonga is less dense than fiji, Kalini is very open and pourous and probably one of the lighter rocks.


There are a couple of different kinds of Tonga. You mentioned Tonga branch, but there is also Tonga Deepwater.
The branch kind looks nice when a little is mixed with other kinds of rock, but I wouldn't want an entire tank full of it.
I have Tonga Deepwater rock and I love it! It usually comes in more unique shapes than Fiji and usually has a lot of coralline on it in purples, pinks, oranges and greens. I have approx. 25 lbs of it in my 16 gal. and it fills it quite nicely. I am extremely happy with it, and prefer it to Fiji rock personally.


I think I have heard Tonga is kind of pricey. Like a few dollars a pound higher. Do you know if there much price difference between Fiji and other types?


May I ask the reason for why you wouldn't want a tank of Tonga Branch rock? Is it because you do not like the way it looks or another reason? Is is less benefical than regular rock?