anemmone and clown


New Member
im am looking at getting an anemmone for my maroon clown. iam new to them. what is the best compatible annemone for this fish. also how exactly do you feed them? can you touch them? how do you acclimate them? and do they go where they want or can you kinda put them in the location you want. sorry for all the questions i just want to do this right ;)

tru conch

Active Member
i personally dont have any experience with maroon clowns, but from what i have read, bubble tips seem to be their choice. clowns can be picky though. as far as the acclimation process, you can do the same as for a fish, by slowly adding your tank water to the floating bag over an hour. you can handle anemones, but the less they get handled the better. some anemones do sting, so watch out for that as well. hth and good luck :)

tru conch

Active Member
ps you can feed aneomones chopped up bits of shrimp/krill, but they primarily feed off of photosynthesis (your lights) so make sure you have strong lighting.
they do move on their own, you can try to place them where you want, but they will move to a place that suits them.


Active Member
Hi fizz, looks like we are close to each other. My tomato clown loves it's bubble tip anenome and took to it right away, but I hear some don't. I didn't see anything about your lighting so you might want to make sure your lights are appropriate for anenomes before you buy. BTW, where do you shop locally?


We just recently got a blue striped clown and she loves the carpet we have...My daughter-in -laws Maroon loves her bubble and the carpet also..The female has moved from the bubble to the carpet and the male hangs in the bubble now...
I feed mine dried shrimp and krill soaked in Zoe..
~Sue ;)


Active Member
My maroon absolutely loves his bubble tip... and from what I've heard/read, they will also take to carpets. I feed both shrimp and scallops, about 3 times a week.


Hey Jack, that is the sweetest picture ever? Is it your clown? Very cute! I love the silly expressions on clow fish faces!


Active Member
yup... that's my clown... snug as a bug in a rug! (snug as a clown in an anemone doesn't have the same ring ;) )