Anemome Problems


Please help !! I had an anemome to get sick and really mess up my water quality in my tank. I've done massive water changes, I've added ammono lock, fritzim and cycle, but tthe amonia level won't drop. I've lost coral, and shrimp. I'm suprised my fish are still alive. The feather duster lost its feathers as well. What can I do? I'm afraid I'm going to lose everything. The frizim said to turn off the skimmer and sterilizer is this good?


Have you tried doing a massive water change? How old is the tank? How big? What are your water parameters? Did the anemone die? Did you leave it in the tank?

happy hopper

well the only way to get out toxins is to use carbon in your filter so that water is passing through it


Well, I've done massive water changes, the anomie did die, so far the deaths have been, flowerpot, mushrooms are running all over the tank, serpent star, cleaner shrimp, peppermint shrimp, the frogspawn, the hammer coral, brain coral, bubble coral all look sick, the tube anomie wont come out real far, and the feather duster has lost its feathers, the fish are still alive, which are yellow tank to percs, flame hawk, mandrin. the water perm. are .50 ammonia, 8.4 PH, 2.0 nitrates, 0 nitrites, salt. 22 - 23. I just did another water change and added some more cycle. I'm afraid I'm going to lose all my coral. I had the skimmer running again for 2 days, the sterilzer is still off. I'm getting reallllly depressed. Don't know what to do know. You know my water is really bad if the bristle worms are coming out dying. I did add some nitrite crystals maybe thats why my nitrites are zero. Any help would be appreciated. <img src="graemlins//dead.gif" border="0" alt="[dead]" />


First of all relax... making all these massive changes to your tank can due more damage then the anemome dying.
First thing you due is make sure nothing else is dead in your tank... If there is, get it out. Second, leave the skimmer on all the time. Last step... buy some amquel and use that to lower the ammonia levels. Lastly you may want to get a new ammonia test kit. I have a feeling that all the water changes is what killed everything in the tank and not the anemome dying.
What type of filtration due you have? And if you are using a uv unit on a reef I would stop that all together... can chat about that another time.


The type of filtration system I have is a sump, no bio-balls. I'll leave the skimmer on. So should I throw out the bubble coral, hammer coral and brain coral? the Brain coral is still somewhat green, but the bubble coral, doesn't have anymore bubbles, they are all deflated. the hammer coral is not out at all and the tube anemome is not out all of the way. My water is cloudy, can that be because of the cyle I've been adding, or the nitrite crystals in the back in the sump? I do have a carbon cartrige also in my sump. So are you saying stop doing water changes? and let it settle? I have som ammo lock can I continue to use it? <img src="graemlins//confused.gif" border="0" alt="[confused]" />


Don't throw the corals out... most can take a lot more abuse then people think.
For now you need to check you water... get us the ph, alk, salinity, amonia, etc. About the water being cloudy, if you throw your water quality out normal levels, things will start to percipitate out (... calcium, etc).
You will have problems with the amonia because it sounds like you don't have any biological filtration except lr. This is why just using lr can get you into trouble. However, adding anything now will not help much. Are you using any mechanical filtration? This will help with the water being cloudy.
Get back to us with your test results and we can take it from there.