

I just got two baby clownfish yesterday! I was wondering if there was any kind of anenome that i could buy so they would live in it?


Active Member
Anemones need very strong lighting and excellent water stability. How long has your tank been setup? What kind and how many watts of lights do you have?


Hi, totally agree with viper. Also what kind of clowns are they. Because certain clowns host better with certain anemonies. Also getting a anemonie isn't going to guarantee that the clown will even host in the anemonie. Also in your small size tanks you have listed, even if you had high lights, anemonies tend not to do well in smaller tanks. Let us know if what kind of lights you have, and the kind of clown. Good luck, ali:happyfish
To be honest, just from that queston i would HIGHLY advise you NOT get an anenoie...however you spell it, most people get an anenomie for there clowns...but then the anenomie dies...they are very hard creatures to take care of, and i would say that you should only get one if you have at least 5 years experance with SW tanks, and the right type of lighting, i have never heard of of anenomies doing bad in smaller tanks but like i said...STAY AWAY FROM THEM!...sorry to burst your bubble


:happyfish If you want the anemonie for your 37 gal. and you've had it up and running for at least 6 months, and you have adequate reef lighting, then you can do an anemonie, just stay clear of carpet anemonies, sebae anemonies, and ricardia anemonies, all those listed are harder for the inexperienced aquzarist. They require high, high light, and can be tricky to aclimate. Long tentacle anemonies and rose bubble anemonies do better in my experience with normal power compact lighting in a reef. Just make sure your clowns are compatable with the anemonie. Good luck, ali


And they call me part of the anemone police, sheeze :rolleyes:
Yes if you could post about your tank, what kind of lighting and what kind of clownfish you have then we could answer you much better.
We would like to know how long your tank has been setup, what kind of substrate, liverocks or not, protien skimmer or not. If you maintain calcium and alkalinity (thats important).
It can be done but we need some info first.


Hey Tomas or really anyone...... since this is an old thread and i have the same kinda questions could you help me out???
I have a 30 gallon, 130Watt power compact, maroon clown, lots of live rock (the wieght???). The tank has been set up for a year and a half. I do weekly water changes, monitor my levels all the time. But i am worried that anenomies could be hard to care for. i would like to get a bubble tip but am unsure if this would suit my fishie. sorry for the steal but i need some help too.



Can we have a sticky of what clowns will host which anenomies? and maybe the care and requirments for each?
Im trying to remeber the post that had all those references.