anemone a bit pale


New Member
I have a ritter anemone in my 55g tank along with 20kilo L/R Two black & white clowns, cleaner wrasse, blue chromis and a clean up crew. the ritter anemone acts fine opens closes moves all over the tank but just recently is looking a bit pale can anyone help.

mr . salty

Active Member
First off,a happy anemone does NOT move all over the tank...What kind of lighting do you have,,,How old is thios tank???And what are the water readings??? But my guess is that you don't have good enough lighting to keep it happy.That is why it is looking for better light(moving around)...


New Member
My readings are fine i have a Marine blue Actinic, Coralife 10,000K daylight lamp, Marine White light, Prism Protien skimmer, 2 Powerheads. I was using a canaster filter with just floss in it but it broke so i am in the middle of making a sump. my LFS told me the lighting would be fine. It's not constantly on the move but every 3-4 weeks it will move around a little. oh and the the tank has been set up for 6 months. I don't want to lose it as the two black & white clowns are never away from it.

mr . salty

Active Member
Those lights are NOT fine for an anemone.Although you didn't say,The best they could be is 40 watts each.Anemones require rather intense"reef type" lighting of at least three watts per gallon to thrive. So your canister broke down,,,and you are building a sump....What do you have running now???And WHAT ARE THE WATER READINGS????? You say they are fine,,,But I kinda doubt it....