anemone acclimation


this site says "temperature acclimate"
does this mean anemone can just be floated in their bag, or should i drip acclimate them?


Active Member
Temperature acclimate means just floating the bag for 15-20 minutes, but if you want to be on the safe side you should also drip acclimate it for 30-45 minutes or more.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ViPeR_930
Temperature acclimate means just floating the bag for 15-20 minutes, but if you want to be on the safe side you should also drip acclimate it for 30-45 minutes or more.
Agreed , I drip mine for at least 45 min


New Member
i agree with everyone else i drip everything i put in now. my first anemone i temp acclimated and it died after a couple of weeks. I got another one and drip acclimated for about an hour and a half and it is doing great for over a month now.