Anemone and Coral


Okay I have a 55 gallon tank and I just upgraded my lighting system, im running 93 watts of T5 VHO white lights and 93 watts of T5 VHO Actinic's. So 186 watts alltogether. I have a long tentacle anemone, is this enough light for him to grow?
I want to start some corals as well, what types would do well with this lighting?

small triggers

Active Member
yeah,,, he should flourish in your tank given you have good,stable water parameters. I would start with some easy stuf like xenia, frogspawn, mushrooms like ricordea. Then you could try your hand at LPS and SPS if you like...


Cool I was hoping this would be enough for it, would it be enough light to support a carpet anem or some of the other bigger ones?