anemone and lighting


Any body have an anemone with standard lighting..? i was told that they will still do well without a light upgrade. lets say a pink tip.. i do have good water flow


Active Member
Originally Posted by ca161406
95% of nems need very high lighting
pest nems seem to pop up even with low lights
Just about every anemone that you'd want to keep will need at least T5ho or metal halides to thrive. Even if you fed it often I still don't think it would last long under standard fluorescent tubes.


Are you taliking about a condy? I am sure there are those who will say they have success keeping them with pc's. Many keep bta's with pc's, these are the least light demanding of all the host anemones. I assume you are not looking for a host anemone since you are considering a condy. Even with a bta, they need a lot of pc lighting. I would not consider trying with less than vho. I keep mine w/MH and T5's, had great success.