Anemone and power head


My new anemone traveled too close to the power head(maxi jet with sure flow mod) and got 1/2 way sucked in. I removed the cover and placed it where I think it has a chance to come off.
my question is.... dose the anemone still have a chance to make it, or is dooommmeed.
p.s. My skimmer is going nuts I have cleaned it 3 times today.


Wow, I will try to get that done soon. Its so helpfull having this site around. Thanks.
As for a pic I dont have a camera right now, I will try too get one up. The damage was so so as last night at 2am I saw it was fine at 8 pm I looked and saw a slighty clouded tank and an anemone stuck. I would say less then a third was sucked in,but its in there. I will post later when i get home.


A water change would be a good place to start. When it untangles itself from the powerhead place it somewhere it will feel safe and protected in your rockwork and then just let it be. Keep your water as pristine as possible for the time being thats about all you can do. They are remarkable healers when given the proper conditions. Do you have a fish hosting it? If so, you'd better isolate it to protect it, a hosting fish may damage it further.


I will put my new bucket to the test. I will prep a water change tonight and do one tomarrow.
There is no hosting going on now. I helped it out of the P.H. a bit then, let it be . The anemone is face down at the moment.
When will I know to pull it out? slime time.


I had this happen about 2 months ago. It will take a few weeks for it to get back to normal as long as you maintain good water quality. I would also keep it somewhere where the anemone gets a little flow. Not a lot, but a little bit to help it get itself untangled.
Also keep an eye on it, in its weakened state hermits and some shrimp could pick at it. My bubble tip ended up splitting because of this.
Good luck and keep us posted.


I hope you turned it over. If it is having trouble attaching you could place it in a low flow area, you don't want it rolling around. A small plastic container lined with rocks (to keep it from floating) would work.


Watch for it to start disintergrating or melting. It is hard to tell sometimes they can look aweful and recover. The smell test works. If in doubt, gently scoop it up bring it to the surface and smell, you'll know if it's dying, it will smell hideous.


I will try to do all those things. the smell test works for me.
update. I turned it over ,did a water change, but it turned itself over again.
mouth down. jan 1 2009


Oh man, so sorry to hear the bad news. Strike another one for the power heads. This happens so often, so sad. At least now you'll know how to protect your next one. It's hard lesson to learn but very valuable, I do hope you do try again!