anemone at night


is it common for anemones to tuck in under the rocks at night usually 1 hour after the lights go out. Also if this is the case what do the clown fish do during that time once they take it as a host .


Do you have a moon light or your tank is completely dark at night? It is normal sometimes for the aenome to become smaller at night due to the less light. But usually it is not completely close, unless it is pooping. I never tried to be completely dark on my tank. But if yours is completely dark, then may be add some moon light shinning at the anenome.


I do have moon lights. He did it last night too but I saw the poo, tonight I didnt see any poo. So I guess when anemones have to do there business the clowns have to find something to do, hahahaha.


yeah its normal usually once a anemone alows a clown start allowing it to be hosted in it then it will slowly start staying open more and more to allow the clowns to host at night. some do some dont.


Active Member
Especially BTA's mine will retract after the lights go out and close its base up around its tenticles. Not completly pulling them in but a nice snug fit.


Active Member
IMO, Know set rules on how thet act at night but it is normal for them to retract into the rocks some or all at night...its a defence from predation..its why they like haveing their foot deep in the rocks, so they can get away from preditors...IMO, after a while they may/should do it less and less...especally if they have clowns hosting/protecting them...
Mine rarely retracts very much any more but some times it will, like maybe once every 2 weeks or so...but when it does, the Clowns just hang around it