Anemone - Before and After



I havent posted here in a while....well I have had a BTA(actually three) for about 1.5 years now. Last summer it got bleached because of how hot my tank got with the summer sizzle and the poor thing got completely bleached. 6 months later with a lot of TLC its got nice and dark again (was dark when I got him the first time)...:).....This ones really hardy considering that I ripped its foot twice(unintentionally ofcourse) - once when I was moving a rock and then about 2 weeks ago when I moved residence. Each time I thought that it wouldn't make it but its always proved me wrong....



Active Member
holy camoli!!!! that is 1 nice recovered thing!!!! wow!!!! was is hard to care for it so that it recover??


When I got it a year and half ago, I didn't have any extended experience with anemones and the first couple of months were a little worrisome since it just didn't look happy....but little by little I figured out all the parameters and conditions that made it swell....usually Ca and alkalinity values were skewed. I didn't have too many other parameter issues since my tank was already established at that time. So wan't all that difficult...whats really hard is to see a nice dark specimen get bleached in a few days time which just depresses you completely since it takes so long for it to regain its zoo. Also when its bleached it tends to shrink since too much light bothers it, plus its not as ready to accept food. So essentially its not a great show.
I want to try my hand at a ritteri this summer when I get an additional MH(400W maybe) in addition to the 250 W MH I have now. I also have a 260 W PC which I might quit using when I get the MH bulb. I just hope I can keep the tank cool enough by keeping the lights higher up.


its a BTA...almost 99% sure.....:)...although the store guy lied to me that it was a LTA since I asked him specifically if it was one...guess he wanted to sell and I bought it for about 44$ when I should have paid 26$....but he sold it to me with a 2 pound rock and the anemone split in about 4-5 days in my tank which made it worthwhile even if I paid more.
You like it bleached?...:)....nah....once you go black you never go back...haha