anemone behavior


so i reworded my other post so it makes sense: .The tank is a jbj nano cube dx. And the anemone had its foot inflated and tenticles deflated before the lights went on. However when i turned light on almost imediatedly the anemone relinflated its tenticles and deinflated its foot. i just checked on it and it looks great its opened up and it just moved to a new spot. Could it be that the anemone was just moving? Is it normal for anemones to behave unusually during the night, then be fine during the day? What is normal anemone behavor?



Originally posted by DiscusKing
What is normal anemone behavor?

Egads what a question. I've been keeping BTA's for over 4 years now and I don't think I can answer that one LOL.
Sounds fine to me, I have seen some strange behavior in my time, but what you describe sounds pretty normal to me. When making a move many anemones will deflate and look kindof wilted and off as they spend their energy on the move. They might not have sticky tenticals at that time as well.
P.S. I'm moving this to the Clownfish/Anemone forum.