Anemone Behavior

au mister

I have had a BTA for about two months. He eats silversides just fine and doesn't spit it up later. For some reason about everyday he will shrink up for a couple of hours then all of a sudden he open back up and looks greatfor the rest of the day. It is very weird. My water parameters are great and I do a water change every 1 to 1.5 weeks. I dont over feed him either. I know he shrinks up when he expels waste. I have a 29 G biocube so the lighting is great. The BTA actually has not moved from the same spot he has been in since the second day I got him. At first I put him at the top of the tank but the light was too much for him so now he sits at the bottom ever since. He is not sick or dying because he has done this for about a month now. Any thoughts?


i have 4RBTA and a condi and they all do this, and ive had mine for quite awhile now so i wouldnt worry, not sure if they do this in the wild but im sure they dont get feed much in the wild eather