anemone color


I understand that an anemone without good lighting will look bleached because it has expelled the ?? (I just drew a blank on the name).
However, I have a condy that had been lighter (not white) but over the last several months I have had it it has turned to a fairly dark purple color, and looks to be thriving.
I guess what I'm wondering is I didn't know if will the (whatever it's called) grow back if the anemone has expelled it all, or is there only a chance if there is some still remaining in the anemone?


Active Member
It could take up to a year or more for its color to come back. By the way I believe the word your looking for is zooxanthelae. And its not just from lack of lighting. There are a number of different reasons why your anenome can bleach. Look at an anenome as a mobile soft coral, they require the same levels treatments and care. Good luck.