Anemone Compatability


Hey everyone, just today I bought a Pink Tip Anemone and a Florida Condi Anemone. They are both at separate sides of the tank, but very slowly the Pink Tip is moving, not towards the other anemone though. I was wondering if these two anemones were ok living together? They are in a 50 gal tank. I was reading that the Pink Tips will go near other anemones and cause some trouble. Any response on this one would be a help, I would like to keep both anemones as long as they can safely live together. Also I was reading that clowns will not host a Pink Tip, is that true? And what are the chances of them hosting the Florida Condi, and maybe even the Pink Tip? Thanks.


Active Member
I kept both in a 75 gall and they were ok, but they didnt wonder much. I also had both in a 10 gall and that didnt work out as well. For hosting--clarkii's and sebeas will, from my experience. Some take more time to adjust to them (either one), but they will. These clowns, IME, don't seem to picky about their anenome. Just a sidenote for you, make sure any intakes are covered--they can easily get harmed if they get caught up in them. HTH some.