Anemone compatability


In one of my reef tanks, I have a brown carpet anemone and I recently got a green carpet anemone that is a bright yellow from Singapore.
My question is, do anemones of alike species do ok together. When I put the second anemone in the tank, I placed him a bit away from the other anemone. But since then, one anemone move and is now closer to the other anemone.
Will they get along, can two carpet anemones co-exist near each other? Should I try to seperate them to different areas of the tank?
Whats your thoughts. So far, there is no sign of controversey, but then again, I might not know what signs I would see, if any.
What do you think?


Personally I think both those anemones can carry a powerful sting and you may very well be looking at a war between the two if they ever should come in contact with each other. If these had been BTA's then I'd say the chance of chemical warfare would be less, however in the case of carpets you may be in trouble.


Thanks Thomas712. Right now they are very close to each other by choice of their own movement and but they are not touching. When I consolodate my two tanks into the bigger 75 gallon tank, I will place them further apart. I was just wondering if there would be an issue between the two of them. I placed them somewhat near each other at first only because the first carpet is hosted by one of the false percs I have and that fish won't allow the other perc to host as well in the brown carpet. So i bough the yellow carpet.