Anemone Compatibility



A friend gave me a small bubble tip anemone. It is brownish in color with green tips. I placed it in my 29 gallon aquarium at the top of the rockwork under 130 watts of PC lighting. It hasn't moved and extends during the day beautifully. Two days ago I bought a medium sized bubble tip from a fellow hobbyist who was closing down his tank. It's medium in size and he said it was purple when he bought it. It appears to be a dark brown in color with wine colored highlights. I placed it up high in the tank but it moved down low and has stayed put. The new one has bubble tips the first one has tentacles that are longer without bulbs. One is on the right side of the tank up high, the other the left side down low. If either of them should decide to move in the future will they be compatible if they touch or will they kill each other? Thanks........


Not normally unless they are from the same colony. Also two in that size tank is also flirting with disaster.
If it were me I would do what is best for them, upgrade to a larger tank and spend thousands of dollars on a beautiful display :D
Seriously I think its a reciepe for dissaster. JMO


What you are saying is that unless two are from the same colony they won't get along? I've already got a 75 and a 55.....hubby would kill me for even thinking of another larger tank! I guess I'd better give the little one back to my friend.....



Originally posted by fishlovr
What you are saying is that unless two are from the same colony they won't get along?

I believe that to be correct, am I 100% sure of it? No. Would they have the ability to sting each other? Yes