Anemone Confusion


I purchased a bubble tip anemone almost 3 years ago for my maroon clown. It had no bubbles in its tips, but the lfs told me that this was sometimes normal. It split and became too big for my tank, so a week ago, I sold one of them back to a different lfs. The person at this new store insisted that it was not a bubble tip, but rather a ritteri anemone.
Here is a picture of my anemone. What is it, a bubble tip or ritteri? Thanx


Originally Posted by feixjai
i have no idea but thats a nice pic. what kind of maroon is that? and why is it to dark?

I got it from ***** (ugh) three years ago as a baby tank raised white stripe maroon clown. It was bright red and had white stripes. It gradually changed and as it got bigger it became dark maroon/black with gold stripes.


Don't suppose you could get me a shot of the column of the anemone could you? Is the foot located in a cave or crevase of the rock? or is it burried in the substrate?


I have been trying to get a shot of the base, but the coraline growth on the walls is making it impossible. The base is all pink and it is not in the sand but inside a crevice in the rock. Thanx