Anemone Crab


Active Member
I just thought I'd post a short video of my anemone crab. This thing is one of my favorite inverts. It has these two arms with "fans" on the end that spread out to collect particles in the water. Then, it brings these arms in, and these two other appendages with "brushes" on the end brush the particles from the fans, and into his mouth. It's very cool to watch, and I hope you enjoy it!

Click the picture to see the video. :happyfish


Active Member
cool vid. it looks like he's sitting there saying "blah blah blah blah blah."
I think I would like one of those in the future.


Active Member
thats a cool video,,are they aggressive?? that is so cool how he does that to eat...have a great day...


Active Member
I love my anemones crabs too, especially since they stay out. My shrimp hide all the time.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ginarox
thats a cool video,,are they aggressive?? that is so cool how he does that to eat...have a great day...

I've never had an aggressive one.


mine was very agressive. he attacked all my snails in the tank. plus ate all my blue mushrooms. ahh and my frogspon and hammerhead were eaten as well and i fed the thing spereate. just FYI dont put them in a reef tank. i found out the hard way.


Active Member
Originally Posted by petieaztec
mine was very agressive. he attacked all my snails in the tank. plus ate all my blue mushrooms. ahh and my frogspon and hammerhead were eaten as well and i fed the thing spereate. just FYI dont put them in a reef tank. i found out the hard way.

:scared: Mine are in a reef tank. I've never seen them eat anything but the mysis I give them.


Active Member
Originally Posted by petieaztec
mine was very agressive. he attacked all my snails in the tank. plus ate all my blue mushrooms. ahh and my frogspon and hammerhead were eaten as well and i fed the thing spereate. just FYI dont put them in a reef tank. i found out the hard way.
Are you sure you are talking about an anemone crab? I find that very hard to believe. They are mainly filter feeders, and mine has never left the anemone since I put him in the tank.


Active Member
Yep, I have one living in an anemone, one in GSP, and one in a ricordia, and they do not leave their hosts, EVER.