Anemone Crab


New Member
Anyone have one? The one I want looks like this ****Sammy says, you can't link to that site,sorry*****
but I read that he is a filter feeder requiring phytoplankton. They are just so cool with their little fans to catch stuff and bring it to their mouth.
[ June 01, 2001: Message edited by: sammystingray ]


Active Member
I got one with my most recent anemone purchase. I can't view your image, so I don't know what you are hoping for. Yes, they are filter feeders.


I couldn't see the picture either. They are filter feaders and I have 2 of them both have been with me since the tanks finished their cycle so about 6mo and 8mo. Mine have molted at least 2 times each. I do feed my anenomes and other filter feeders Kent Marine micro-vert. I use a needle free syrenge and inject it towards the anenomes. They have tripled in size. Hope this helped.
playtime :)