Anemone Crab?


Sorry about the silence eagle. The Porcelain crab and the anemone crab are the same thing, just called different things by different people. The name Anemone crab I think is more helpful because, like clowns, they always do better with an anemone or coral that has the same characteristics. I've seen them adopt frilly and ricordia mushrooms and I saw one go in with a candy cane coral and then switched to a frogspawn when it was added. Either way, they like the protection of something. They are filter feeders and it is cool to watch them grab at the air trying to catch microfood. If you do not have any suitable corals and such, then I would say hold off until it would feel more comfortable. If you do have something suitable I say get it. I think it is one of the most interesting crabs out there. Well, I guess my response is the length of three normal ones if that makes you feel any better :D . HTH!