Anemone died!

vinnie t.

3 days ago i got an anemone and it has been doing good until it started to shrivel up. I think it was a long tentacle anemone but it didint have long tentacles. Why did it die?


I can think of a couple reasons:
1. Not enough light
2. You didn't feed it enough
3. It got sick and met it's maker
Those are my guesses. Sorry to hear about it dude. :(


New Member
Anenomes frequently shrivel up and look like a flat dead lump of flesh, I have heard two different reasons for this, one is that this is their means of digesting food, the other is that this is how they discharge waste products. If you didn't know better you would swear they are dead, I hope you gave it a chance and did not throw it away.


Hello Vinnie,Give the anenome a chance to get acclimated to your tank,some take longer that others,sometimes they look like they are dead then they bounce back.


Active Member
I can only speak from my experience of losing a bubbletip rose anemone, due to my own ignorance when I first started keeping saltwater tank. An anemone that has expelled and deflated will still be attached to rock or substrate with it's base. It will still respond to a light touch, although not near as much as when it is fully inflated. As mentioned, it will re-inflate with water and appear normal within a few hours.
A dead anemone will normally release it's "grip" on whatever it was attached to, when you touch it you will see no response, and it will appear to be falling apart. By this time it will also begin to smell, and should be removed pronto.


when n anenome actually dies, you know it because they make an awful mess. if its just shriveled up, id say it another murdered anenome.