Anemone dieing


Does anyone know what is wrong with my anemone?
this is my first anemone
I think it is sick or something :scared:
water perimeters are
tank is 8 months old
gravity 1.021 low but fixing
cal 400
trite .25
trate 10
amonnia 0
posphate .25
ph 8.2-8.3
top picture is what he looked like when i got him
the lower 3 pics are of it now.


Active Member
The SG and nitrites are not at good levels and not sure what species that anemone may not be a tropical one....where did you get it ?? IMO, should remove it anyways. sorry.


I got it at my lfs here in ohio. the guy at the store as i know is an idiot did not even know what kind it was. i guess i will have to go with a bta after i get my water levels corrected. i just purchesed new lights a week ago 2x150 Mh from current outer orbit with blue and white moon lighting for my 46 gal. thanks for the info. i was just hoping it would make it. man do i love this hobby. learn something new everyday. :happyfish