Anemone drops tenticles

salty gal

Hi, I found a few tenticles laying on the sand bed under the anemone. He is currently on the move ... moving to the top of the tank over the past couple of days.
His tank mates are a FuManchu Lion Fish, a Domino Damsel (<~~ don't ask), hitch hiker star fish, and a sprinkle of Star Polps I'm trying to keep from dying.
Could it be the abense of the Metal Halide lighting? (A case of not researching before hubby went to LFS for food!)
Any ideas?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Salty Gal
Its a 26g nano with whatever lights come in it.
Theres a wide range of lighting that come in "nano's", and most of them aren't strong enough to support an anemone.
They normally come with PC's and are inbetween 1-2 Watts per gal. Not good enough to sustain anemones!

salty gal

If I took it back to LFS Monday, you think it would survive? I don't want to kill the poor animal.
Is loosing tenticles a sign of decline?


You need T5ho or metal halide lighting and the tank should be established for 6 to 8 months to house an anemone.
What kind of anemone is it?? How long is in the tank?
I never saw or heard of an anemone losing it's tentacles unless it was dead. If it looks like it is melting or any other parts are falling off try to scoop it up in a net and smell it, if it smells really bad get it out asap. If you get it in the net don't put it in front of your powerheads cause if its dead it will fall apart and make a mess all over your tank. A roaming anemone is a unhappy anemone or a dead one. Just my .02 Good luck