Anemone Dying??


New Member
I recently bought an anemone about 3 days ago, the first two days he looked fine but today I woke up to him looking horrible. Is he dying/dead? All my water parameters are good except for Nitrates which are fairly high. I'm sort of new to this too so don't ream me out too bad about this



Active Member
need to get your trates down. its probably stressing out. they do deflate like this every once in a while, but it's more likely the new environment and high nitrates.


i agree with renogaw on trates .the main thing is to watch for decintagration
[spelling]tenticles turning to slime etc .stuff from mouth is only long as its still inflated and its only the third day i wouldnt worry yet .they can take days or weeks tummbling around till they find there spot .i beleve a tank
should be a min 6months old and you should have a good hold on your water