Anemone encounter of the bad kind!


I found my bta stuck to the back of the pre-filter!! Its not the filter, but slots in the back of the tank that allow water through to the sponges before the filter.
I gently massaged the anemone's flesh out of the slots. Its semi-balled up now resting on the bottom of the tank; the clown is in a panic! I don't see torn flesh anywhere. There were a few strings of this brownish stuff coming from the anemone, but I removed those.
I'm so upset. Mr/Ms Anemone looked so awesome this morning.
Is my anemone going to die?


:cheer: All is well...anemone is now up on lr and is looking much better. Clown is happy, and so am I!
This is like being a new, first time mom all over again...whew!


I might suggest placing some type of spong or plastic grid in there so the anemone doesn't wind up doing this again. You caught it this time but I would try to prevent a next time.
Good luck


I bet it was a Hatian anemone right?? Cause the same thing happened to me except mine got caught in the intake tube of a diatom filter (twice!) My LFS guy warned me that they like to move a lot, but as usual, I had to learn the hard way! So after he got caught again, this time - 3:30 a.m.!!!, he went back to my LFS the same day. BEWARE of Hatian anemones!