Anemone Experts need Advice


This is for all of the anemone experts out there and any one else with some knowledge. My question is, I want to get a couple of diffrent Anenomes for my 135G Reef Ready oceanic tank. Is it possible to mix diffrent typs? Right now all I have is a BTA; I want to add the Following
Haddoni Carpet
Heteractis Magnifica
Peach Sebae
Will this be ok my lighting is 72" MH/PC 785Watts. I have heard that some anenomes will fight with othere by releasing toxins in the water. Is this True?
Help me out experts give me all you got!


Yes they can & will release toxins & it can distroy your tank. These little guys pack a punch, I would suggest not mixing at all. Even if you put them far enough apart sooner or latter one will move & chemical warfare will result. With 4 diffrent typs of anemone's in one tank I would say the odds are huge that they will come in contact with each other, they dont need to touch ether they just need to be able to sense another anemone nearby. I dont know how they do it they just do. Maybe someone with more knowlage could explane it better.


thanks for the input. I kind of figured that, but I want to know if any Anemones can be kept or would I have to just keep a couple of BTA in the tank.
Any one else have any opinions
Bueller, Bueller, Bueller anyone Bueller


Well different anemones carry different toxins, the jury is still out on if an anemone actually poisons your tank per say with those toxins..
However, we are sure that there will be an ammonia spike that will need to be addressed when an anemone dies as it can create a rather large spike depending on certain factors.
No way would I have that many different species in one tank. I almost always recommend only one type. However some folks have gotten away with two. One like a BTA that is usually in the upper half of the tank and one that is a sand dweller in the bottom half.
Its your tank and your choice. ~

reef diver

Active Member
HEy thomas did u no that tghere is an orange tipped BTA my lfs has a mother stock that they split these from, they are 1000 bucks apiece


WHAT? :notsure:
Sweet mother, get me a full size pic will ya!
Sorry haven't been on much latley..

reef diver

Active Member
Sure next time im in denver, its a rare mutation. Illtry to find it online, it bubbles and everything, looks like a bta to me


I guess I will stick with just BTA's, but I can have diffrent colors then. Right now I only have the Tan one so I think I will get a green one next then wait a month and get the Rose. How does that sound?


Active Member
Hey Cyclops,
I was thinking of adding 2 different types but did not want to cause any issues with the other inhabitants. I went with 2 BTA... A Rose and Green. They actually hang out to gether and my clowns take care of them both.
Good luck



Originally Posted by FISHY7
Hey Cyclops,
I was thinking of adding 2 different types but did not want to cause any issues with the other inhabitants. I went with 2 BTA... A Rose and Green. They actually hang out to gether and my clowns take care of them both.
Good luck

You know thats what I will do. I really don't want to ruin my tank so I will try diffrent colors of BTA's.
How many diffrent colors do BTA's come in :notsure: . I know of green, rose and tan. Does any one have any diffrent colored BTA's and show pics please.


Active Member
I am not sure what other colors they come but, this setup works for the tank and the inhabitants and that is what counts.
Good luck and let me know how it works.
Some good hints:
keep your water tip top/regular changes

be consistant with lights

reef diver

Active Member
Like I said above, there is an orange bta, and its beautiful, nexttime im in denver ill take a pic. If u want it, first fly to denver, amnd have atleast 1000 bucks spare! LOL