Anemone feeding question


I was feeding my puffer some shrimp and my gold stripe clown stole a piece and brought it back to his anemone eat shrimp? And for a 220 tank what lighting would you recommend, I have 2 anemones, 1 puffer, 2 clowns and some damsels...Thanks.


Active Member
Yes, most anemones will eat shrimp, fish, ect...typicaly, any meaty seafood thats not too large. For any hosting species anemone in that size tank, I would recomend metal halide lighting...250 watt


Active Member
Be careful with the puffer in there as they can nip at anemones .
For lighting , it depends on the species of anemone . BTAs tend to shy away from the spectrum of metal halide lights .


Active Member
Originally Posted by Dawman
Be careful with the puffer in there as they can nip at anemones .
For lighting , it depends on the species of anemone . BTAs tend to shy away from the spectrum of metal halide lights .
I have never seen this. My BTA worships my HQI's. His side of the tank has 2x250 HQI. 10,000k bulb and 20000k bulb.


Active Member
like 1journeyman, I to was suprised at Dawman's statement..( the lighting, I agree about the puffer )
I have had my BTA under metal halide ( varying kevins ) for nearly 6 does great.


Active Member
I did not say all BTAs . Both my green bta and rose bta shy away from mh and thrive on pc . I have researched this many times for other posts and found most that are considered experts say they prefer pc or t-5 than mh . Long as it is healthy that is all that matters .