Anemone feeding



My anemone died a few days ago. I checked the water conditions and they were fine. So I'm thinking it might be a feeding problem. I use to feed it brine shrimp every couple of days, by droping the food the tank. But I noticed the fish (including the host Clown) use to devour the food, and not two much would get to the Anemone.
What is the best method for feeding Anemone's, and what type of food is best?.


I feed mine silversides about twice a week. Feeding them brine is not enough. You can also feed them goldfish, feeder guppies, shrimp, etc.
I also feed mine frozen shrimp, the small ones used for salads you buy frozen. Also my BT's LOVE scallops, which I also buy frozen.
I soak my food about 1/2 hour in Selcon and feed them directly with my "feeding stick", jiggling the food into their tenacles to initate a "feeding response." They close up almost immediately around the food.
I also can depend on my Clarkii clownfish, who will feed all three of my bubble tips.


Remember I told you that my Anemone died a few days a go. (or so I thaught) Last night I was going to remove the little curled-up ball that use to be my Anemone, and I noticed its position had changed. so I thaught maby one of my hermit crabs had mooved It. Something came up and when I returned a few hours later to complete the job I was unable to locate it. I finally found the shriveled-up Anemone half way up my tank attached to one of my air tubes behind my rock formation. It still dosent look alive, but I am confused as to how it got there, if it didn't crall there itself.
If anyone has any idears PLEASE HELP. as I'm not sure whether to remove it or not. :confused: :confused: :confused:


Anenomes are not dead until they start decomposing. If he is shriveled up that tightly and wondering around the tank, he is trying to get out. You water parameters must be off or you don't have enough lighting. You need to correct the problem quickly, or return the anenome to the store before you kill it. Anenomes have a reputation of being hard to keep for a reason. They are VERY sensitive to environmental conditions.


Active Member
I agree. It's not dead unless it's a mass of goo that smells real bad. They will close up tight and then the current usually just blows them around until they attach to something. Good luck. I hope the poor thing survives. They live hundreds of years in the ocean and usually less than a year in captivity.


New Member
I am currently feeding my anemone a bag of frozen mixed seafood which I thaw out before feeding. It gets an assortment of squid, octopus, shrimp and fish chunks (when I buy fresh fish for myself - I'm good at sharing). Sometimes I soak it in vitamins before feeding. Does anyone else feed similar items? Has anyone heard anything good/bad about this type of food? So far the little critter seems happy...


I went to the store and bought fresh squid for mine, then I cut it up and froze it. A half pound lasted a year. My tomato clown also fed him whatever was on the menu for the day.