anemone food


Active Member
anything raw, fresh, from the sea, and meaty. Some will disagree on how often to feed an anenome, or if it is even necessary or GOOD at all. what lighting do you have?


Active Member
I've kept mine on a silverside and raw shrimp diet and that seems to work well.
When you feed them try and chop the food up as fine as possible.
Sometimes i'll feed mysis to the whole tank and some will fall into the anemones... and the anemone just seems to not care that its there at all and will not eat it.


Active Member
I have a Huge Green Carpet, its about the size of a Dinner PLate, and he eats 1 full size raw shrimp every 3 days! And my Long tenticle eats Half of one on the same schedule. I also feed them shrimp pellets 1 or 2 each other day, just for snacks!!



Active Member
we place a 1/2 shrimp in the tank and our clown grabs it and feeds "his" anemone.
We dispurse the other half to the mooch (cleaner shrimp) who has the nerve to try and take the anemones food, and also to the CC star


I hardly feed my anemone anything and it's almost doubled in size in 3 months. Occasionally, very rarely, I'll give it some krill or squid or something meaty. It'll grab on to floating frozen mysis. And once I saw it grab and eat a cyclopeeze flake! What a weirdo!