anemone for 12 gallon nano with PC lighting


Active Member
what kind of anemone would be best for 2 percs in a 12 gallon. when i say best i mean on the lines of the size it gets, if it will be able to host 2 percs, and it being in a 12 gallon. i kinda dont want to put a bubble tip one in. is there anything else that would work better?


Active Member
im not sure the watts but the guy at both LFS said they would be fine. i know percs will host other things such as a feather duster and so forth. any other ideas?


My BTAs did better under pc's than the mh I have now. So many people seem to think you need MH for everything.


Active Member
ok yeah i think PCs will be fine. but again, i dont really want a BTA.. are there any other good choices for anemones or anything else a perc will host in a 12 gallon?


New Member
If there True Percs you could get away with a sabe but remember that those things can outgrow your tank in less than a year, and do host phyto in them so strong lighting is suggested in the Marine Invert bible. For a 12g you really should stick with BubbleTip's, if you want to be special buy an Rose BTA for all to drool over.
With an BTA purchase one should consider if you have the rock work for it. If you dont have a nice cozy closed cave for your BTA to stick its foot up into, you'll have a roming Anemoney on your hands. Having a nice peice of branching Live Rock is ideal and your best bet in keeping you Anemone out of your intakes.


Active Member
Any anemones that can host a true perc, let alone a pair is going to be too big and agressive for a 12 gallon system, regardless of lighting. They will sting anything they come in contact with, so unless you have no other corals or inverts, I'd avoid the idea.