anemone for clown in fowlr?


Does anyone know what kind of anemone i could give my clown in a fowlr? I only have a coral life 50/50 light fixture. I can put the anemone about half way up the tank if needed on a live rock. I just wondered if anyone could tell me what kind of anemone could live in this tank. Oh and there are no agressive fish in tank.


you can get a bubble tip or carpet anemone, but your going to have to get stronger lights. 10,000 or higher what kind of light fixture are you using?


corallife dual balb fixture with 50/50 lights in it. dont know what else to call it. Thats what it says on the box. lol. Im no good at the understanding the lighting.


Ok, your going to have to get a stronger light bulb. if it's dual with 2 bulbs in it you can remove 1 bulb and replace with a 10,000, I have a FOWLR with Condy (2) Carpet (1) and a couple of Mushroom Ricordea family of a anemone and doing great.


If i get the 10,000 bulbs and get rid of the 50/50 would that deminish the abrightness of the irredesence colors of the fish that i get from the blue lights?

small triggers

Active Member
The bulbs mentioned are 10000 Kelvin, its the light specturm the white bulbs give off. You can replace the white bulbs and keep your actinic (blue bulbs) But you do need to look at the wattage of the white bulbs, so when you take the plastic cover off you should be able to she the bulbs.