Anemone from


I am thinking about purchasing a White Sabae anemone from but have never ordered anything live from an online site. Does anyone have any comments or any experience with this type of purchase? Also, I know that they have a "No Guarantee" on their anemone. Does anyone have any success/horror stories that would help me in my decision?


Originally Posted by kaotik
I am thinking about purchasing a White Sabae anemone from but have never ordered anything live from an online site. Does anyone have any comments or any experience with this type of purchase? Also, I know that they have a "No Guarantee" on their anemone. Does anyone have any success/horror stories that would help me in my decision?

I bought a big shippment from here and when they got to my house everyone was a live and well. I bought some inverts and fish. I still have most of the shippment. I would have to say a 9 out of 10.


I have always had success with what I purchased from this sight...HOWEVER...a white anemone is not a healthy one, and a sebae is one of the harder ones to keep let alone recover. I would strongly advise against buying any anemone that's white, sold here or anywhere else.


hmmm, why would they sell a white anemone then???
Nevermind anyways, i dont think Im going to do it anymore cuz I just saw that they charge a $9.99 surcharge. Im not going to pay 10 bucks for nothing!! I can go to my LFS and get one for the same price without a surcharge!
thanks for the replies though!!!


Originally Posted by kaotik
hmmm, why would they sell a white anemone then???
This'll prolly get deleted since it's their sight, but I think they sell them because so many people think they are pretty and do not know that they are not healthy. A sebae is supposed to be brown, and when it gets "bleached" due to lack of light or some other stress factor, it turns white. But it's a money and at LFS's, it's just not healthy. Rarely, they can come back and be brown. But I don't think it's worth risking your water quality, especially since you researched first.
The product quality and even shipping expense, or "surcharge" whatever they wanna call it, is reasonable to me, but the white sebae is one thing I wish they'd take off their sales list... :)