Anemone getting attacked by peppermint shrimp?

I just got an anemone for my tank. It founds its way underneath a cave under the rocks. My peppermint shimp is posting up right next to it and it gets taking tentacle pieces off the anemone. How can I prevent this from happening and what should I do to help it out?

shrimpy brains

You could take a new plastic leftover dish(like the ones you buy in 3 packs in the store). Drill or punch many small holes in it(smaller than the peppermint)for flow and place it over your anemone.
Unfortunately, this is only a temporary fix and you will have to remove the peppermint or the anemone!
Yeah I don't want to feel like the little guy is enclosed! I will try to move it around somewhere else. Hopefully the peppermint shrimp will leave it alone after awhile.