Anemone got eatennnnn :(


my best friend works at a super reputable fish store and got me an anemone
its got a bright redish base with orangish brown tenticles with kinda purple tips but this morning i woke up and my chocolate chip star fish was on top of my anemone! it was badly damaged with its fleshy insides exposed. it had remaining tenticles but they were deflated. I knew my starfish was not reef safe i was gonna get rid of him, i just didnt to it in time. so my question is do you think my anemone will get better or do you think the crabs are gonna get to it before it gets better
and oh
the starfish is gone if youre wondering


Active Member
if its base is damaged to the point where its insides are expelling then no its pretty much a gonner. If there is any life left in it you can monitor it closley but do frequent water tests and be prepared to remove it if it starts to decay and or look worse. IMO its game over but without pics its difficult to tell.


Active Member
A good sign to tell is an anemone is healthy is to see if the tenticles are still sticky .


sounds like a condylactice anyhow, they get HUGE if you got it to host a clown they will not, they are very pretty though and very hardy... i say if its still has its foot planted it will regrow